Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Introduction: Nice To Meet Ya!

Hi! I'm Flair and you may know me as Flair Berry on That blog is dedicated to fashion but I'm not always inspired to write about fashion. Sometimes I'm inspired to write about  life and things that people can read and become perplexed by.

I feel like there aren't really any blogs dedicated to the home schooled teen. There is no place to speak about what it's like to be home schooled and to break down the barriers of misconceptions so..I decided to create one!

On this blog you'll read things about the many roller coaster rides that homeschooled teens go on. A lot of people think that just because people are homeschooled that they don't have to deal with the pressures of life,  high school and just being a teenager. That's not true. In fact, our situations are just as equal if not more confusing and hard than the experience that most public schoolers go through in high school. We too have to deal with cliques and mean girls and struggling to fit in. We too have issues with grades and believe it or not, being grounded.

Here, I think people will get a better understanding of what homeschooling really means to teens in high school and that we are just like any other average teens who go to regular or public school.

I hope you enjoy my blog and whatever I post, please feel free to leave me feedback on! Follow me on Twitter: @FlairBerry

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